Annotations API¶
Holds the coordinates and metadata of a single keypoint. |
Create a Point annotation. |
Holds the coordinates and metadata of a single bounding box. |
Create a Bounding Box annotation. |
Holds the coordinates and metadata of a single Polygon. |
Create a Polygon annotation. |
Holds the coordinates and metadata of a single Line. |
Create a Line annotation. |
Holds the coordinates and metadata of a Label. |
Create a Classification annotation. |
Specifies the starting/ending indices of connected keypoints of a single Pose. |
Holds the coordinates and metadata of a Pose. |
Create a Pose annotation. |
Holds the coordinates and metadata of a Cuboid in two-dimensions. |
Create a Cuboid annotation. |
Holds the coordinates and metadata of a Cuboid in three-dimension. |
Create a Cuboid annotation in three-dimensions. |
Annotation model for a single Ellipse. |
Create an Ellipse annotation. |
Create a Segmentation annotation. |
Base annotation class. |
Initialize a singular annotation entity (an annotation component such as a singular bounding box, polygon, etc.) |